Thursday, November 8, 2007

Reason for Celebration

I don't think it's quite hit me that Sarah is really ours. Somehow it seems like a really long babysitting job for a pretty and smart little girl that is very happy when she wakes in the morning but very grouchy when she's ready for bed. When you go into stores here, the merchants ask where she is from. When we say, "Chongqing", they all comment, "Oh, spicy girl!" because the Sichuan region is known for spicy foods. They don't know how true that comment is!

We had a pizza party/playdate with Emma and family last night.

We sent disposable cameras to the orphanage and they were returned when we adopted her. We had the photos developed and it appears to be her foster family. Sarah got really excited when she saw the photos. It's nice to have a little something of her past.

We shopped most of the day, buying the items we had our eye on all week. We have some very nice mementos of Sarah's birth country. Jack even showed a local salesman how WEbkinz works.

What a fun party we had tonight! All of our provincial travel group together one last time. I got a picture with my friend Cindy who taught me to be to polite in China by saying, "Shay Shay" or thank you. What would I do without her?
Leah and Sarah enjoyed destroying their pieces of cake.
In about 24 hrs we will be taking off for home!

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