Sunday, November 4, 2007

1st day in GZ

First item of business: I didn't get any email today. Some of you readers need to send me a message from the outside world so I can maintain sanity.

Greetings from Guangzhou. Things are more laid back here on Shaimin Island. So many Americans and everyone speaks excellent English...of course that's how they get you to buy their wares.

We took a van tour today. They packed 5 families, a driver and guide into the van. First we visited the Temple of 6 Trees, a buddist temple where we saw lots of people worshipping. Our coordinator, Peter, did a good job of telling us all about it. As soon as our van stopped, we were mobbed by beggars with no hands, on crutches and crippled. It was so sad.

Next we went to a porcelain factory/showroom. There we bought tea sets. They had jade, pearls and embroidery. Our coordinator was shocked at the amount of time and money we could spend there. :) We wanted to buy the plate in the picture but we couldn't figure out how to get it home safely.

Then we went to the jade market where the retailers come and buy their wares wholesale. We didn't find too much there, but they were willing to bargain...if you knew the real stuff from resin. Folks just stared at J's blonde hair.

After the tour Sarah took a nap in the room with dad. J and I ventured out to drop off laundry and explore. After one failed attempt to find the grocery, we found Starbucks and stopped for cocoa and a cinnamon roll. No matter where the Starbucks is located world wide, it's always staffed with hip yuppies.

BIG NEWS! Sarah slept in the crib last night and again for her nap today! We're so proud of her. She can already wave hello and good by to people and she claps.


Sandy said...

I just spent the last 30 minutes catching up with your adventure! What a adorable cutie pie Sarah is. And I love all the smiles. I can't wait to read what happens next. S wasn't working in that pic with him at the desk!?!? :> Lots of love and smiles, S&B

Unknown said...

E and I were just looking at all your pictures again and remembering our trip to China. Tell J that E has a picture of him pushing K in the stroller! Aren't you glad you can go to Starbucks? We look forward to seeing you all when you get home. We've enjoyed reading about your trip. Tell J he and E can compare pictures, notes, etc. when they get together again.
Take care,
L and E (G-fish)

Ashley Fowlkes said...

Isn't it funny how Starbucks can provide such comfort in a foreign land? Lee almost floated when he found one in GZ (and he's got the shirt to prove it!). Hooray for crib sleep - sure helps Mommy and Daddy rest well, I bet. And don't you just love communicating with this precious baby? She is so lovely, and the smiles make her more so. Cyber waves from Hannah to Sarah and greetings from Jaycie to Jack.