Saturday, October 27, 2007


If you want to stay in order, read Friday’s blog first, then this one.
We had a breakfast buffet at the hotel both days. There are lots of choices, and even some we want to eat.  If we drink the water here, we risk getting sick so we drink boiled water or bottled water. This morning in the rush to get packed, I forgot that and put water from the faucet on my toothbrush. It promptly went in the trash.

We checked out and loaded in the van with Phoebe and Mr. Gua, headed for the Great Wall. It was about an hour drive NE to the mountains. Peddlers rush you as you exit the van, wanting to sell hats, t-shirts and postcards. Never pay the price they ask; they will haggle with you.

The Wall was crowded and the climb was a kicker. It was amazing to stand on such an ancient structure. There were “gutters” built to keep rain water from building up on the wall. The steps were all different sizes and heights. It was very challenging at times. We were all glad we did the climb. The tall Americans got lots of looks. Several people wanted to have pictures with Jack including a group of older ladies that kept touching his face.

Afterwards we had lunch at a government-owned cloissone factory and store that caters to tourists. The food was more enjoyable there. Again, chicken and rice.

Friday, with all the fog, around 1,000 flights leaving Beijing were cancelled. We did not know this until we were on our way to the Great Wall. We headed to the airport early. Phoebe was able to get us checked in early. There was some anxiety when something appeared in one of our checked bags on the x-ray machine and S had to unpack the whole thing for the screener. We still don’t know what it was.

Down at gate 25, we ran into one of the families from our travel group and the Alabama family. There was a second anxious moment as the fog rolled in at the terminal. We all wondered if we would get out of the airport or if we would have to spend another night in Beijing. We boarded the bus out to the plane and realized the fog was only near the terminal. We met another travel group family on the plane. Dinner was served – chicken and rice.

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